Professional Practice 3

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Reader / Showreel

To serve as my reader, and as a promotional item, I’m using a short showreel that showcases some of my best work. Note that since I haven’t finished my work for Extended Study as of creating this, I’ll need to update this later into a version I would choose to show people.

Promotional Items

The industry that I’m choosing to pursue is one where I’m unlikely to need physical items to promote myself, and where a portfolio of work is usually valued over dedicated promotional items, however, I keep my online presence very tidy, and there are three main items I consider to be “promotional”:

My Online Portfolio:
Here I keep a library of my best work, and is my go-to thing to send to clients. Considering most- all- of my clients I’ve had online, it’s been far more useful than a physical portfolio would be for my industry.

My Carrd:
A simple, light-weight website where I have links to all of my social media and my contact information. It’s an easy way for people to find me everywhere, and oftens leans to people who’ve found me on Twitter finding my video work on Youtube.

My Twitter:
This might sound silly- but i do consider my Twitter to be a promotional item. I engage with communities there; I share my work in hashtags, and it’s where i keep in touch with most potential clients. It takes effort to maintain, and it requires a careful approach to balance how I conduct myself there: showing my personal side, and my professional side, so that people get an idea of my actual character rather than exclusively my work. Recently, I hosted an artshare for hitting a thousand followers.

Links to all three are below:

Presentation & Report

Over the course of this module, I tackled a comission for the audio drama “The Sojourn” – modelling a new spacecraft for them. Below is a link to a Google Drive folder with both my presentation and report. I couldn’t embed them here.