Editorial Anthology Group Magazine Final Work

Abridged (Submission) Version:

This is the version of the magazine submitted to the group anthology magazine. It is an abridged version of the full magazine so that it fits neatly onto four pages.

Unabridged Version:

This is the full version of my magazine, which tells the full story of the article.

Illustrations Only

A collection of the illustrations with no formatting or text attached.

Article Illustrated: https://www.vice.com/en/article/evan7n/alien-hunters-spent-the-last-century-looking-for-the-black-knight-satellite

Final Evaluation

To be blunt: I hated this project.

All throughout this project I found that I was struggling to find any investment in my work beyond the surface level of “I like how this looks”. The root of my issues come from how we were required to work under a certain title; for me this was ‘corruption’, which I linked to conspiracy theories.

All throughout my foundation year, I’ve made a point that I dislike having social commentary in my work; it’s simply not something that interests me, so having a project based on it wasn’t going to go well from me from the beginning.

This is easily the biggest shortcoming of my work on this project. The link to my topic – ‘corruption’ – is tangential at best; with the only real connection being the obvious “is NASA hiding aliens?’, which fails to explore the real depth of the topic at hand.

Moving away from the major problems I had, I am actually rather pleased with how my work turned out, and even if I don’t expect to do particularly well on this project I know that I learnt a fair few useful things about using Blender and inDesign – the latter being a program I’d never used before. Unfortunately, as much as I personally like the work I created, I still could’ve done a much better job of capturing the retro sci-fi aesthetic I was aiming for, and I think the style varies just a little too much between my more photoreal renders, and the more comic-inspired illustrations.

Given how much I already can see that I’ve done poorly on this project, and how disheartened I feel writing this, I think it is safe to come to one conclusion based on this: editorial illustration isn’t right for me.

[296 Words]