Editorial Anthology Group Magazine Project Work

Final Evaluation

To be blunt: I hated this project. All throughout this project I found that I was struggling to find any investment in my work beyond the surface level of “I like how this looks”. The root of my issues come from how we were required to work under a certain title; for me this was…

Article #2 – Node-Based Workflows

This is a final piece from my magazine; the storms of Jupiter, which I made almost entirely in Blender. To make it, I had to take a deep-dive into node-based workflows. Since it took me such a long time to get my head around well enough, here’s my explanation of how they work. Rather than…

Article #2 – Final Sketches

With a strong idea of what I wanted to do in mind, I moved away from doing more detailed sketches into doing more simplistic sketches to give me a better idea of how I wanted to compose my pages. I knew from the started I wanted to keep the text to a minimum, since I’d…

Article #2 – Black Knight Concept

Using the 3D model I’d created previously, I went about making the first “full piece” of the Black Knight satellite – this isn’t a final piece, but it’s a piece that gives me a good idea of how a final piece might look. I really tried to keep things relatively simple in this, using only…

John Berkey Studies

Before continuing with work directly related to my project, I decided to spend some time dedicated to studying one of the artists I’d looked at in my research: John Berkey. Since I still want my project to have a sort of 70s-80s vibe to it, I decided to try and push myself to understand Berkey’s…

Article #2 – 3D Blockout

Using my last sketch as reference, I went about modelling the design as a 3D model – note that this is not a finished model, and lacks a lot of detail which would be necessary in a model that would be used in film or media.Rather, this is called a blockout model – rather than…

Article #2 – Exploratory Work

Starting off my explorations into the Black Knight satellite article, I decided that at some point in my pages I knew that I wanted to illustrate what the potential ‘Black Knight’ satellite might look like if it were an alien spacecraft, so I started out by thumb-nailing a few different spaceship ideas. The main thing…

Article #2 – The Black Knight

Following on from my last article, I did some searching around: looking for a suitably science-fiction themed conspiracy theory. Thinking back to my 12-year-old evenings, spent playing Minecraft and watching copious quantities of Youtube, I remembered a certain name: The Black Knight satellite. I found an article by Vice, posted on the 12th of June,…

Article #1 – Greenland Expedition

The first article I decided to investigate was titled “To the end of the Earth and home again, the fathers who crossed Greenland by kite […]”, published in The Telegraph, May 23rd 2015. It tells the story of Tom Avery and his three travelling companions’ journey across the barren snowy wastes of Greenland. Though short-lived,…