Editorial Field Research

Final Evaluation

To be blunt: I hated this project. All throughout this project I found that I was struggling to find any investment in my work beyond the surface level of “I like how this looks”. The root of my issues come from how we were required to work under a certain title; for me this was…

Paul Lehr

Lehr was a science-fiction illustrator, born in 1930 and died in 1998. Lehr is best known for his book cover illustrations during the 1960s and 70s. Personally, I like almost everything about Lehr’s work; with the one exception being the colours he uses. I dislike how all his lighter colours have a warmer tint to…

John Berkey

Berkey is an American science-fiction illustrator, born in North Dakota in 1932; he and his family later moved to Minnesota, where he continued to spend a large portion of his life. Since graduating from the Minneapolis School of Art in 1950, Berkey has produced an extensive portfolio of science-fiction/fantasy artwork, including work for NASA and…

Conspiracy Theories 2015

There isn’t much unique about the Conspiracy Theories magazine design worth talking about that hasn’t been done countless times before as a trope in conspiracy-themed media: photographs pinned to a chalkboard; a letterpress typeface; documents pinned to clipboards. There’s only one such cliche which I think might be worth discussing here: the redacted words. It’s…

Analog Magazine

Rather than focusing on the insides of Analog – which as far as I can tell are just plain text paragraphs interspersed with headers and no (or very few) images – I’m going to focus on the cover designs: What might not be immediately obvious about these designs is just how recent they are -…

Magazine Topic/Genre

Dragon+ Unsurprisingly for me, the first choice of magazine I want to investigate is the Dragon+ magazine, which is a magazine published by Wizards Of The Coast about Dungeons and Dragons. I appreciate that this is likely not the subject which I’m going to be working on for my project this module, however I do…

Magazine Design

Tim Tijink – New Brutalism: Controversial Concrete I really like the monochromatic layout of this magazine, although admittedly that is very limiting in terms of the actual illustrations I could include if I decided to pursue a similar style. I also like that whilst this magazine is undeniably very blocky to look at, paragraphs are…

Editorial Image Making Processes

Adobe Illustrator (and Other Vector-Based Software) Adobe Illustrator is the go-to software for editorial illustration, because it excels at geometric shapes and patterns – which are both common elements of modern magazine design. It’s a shame Illustrator is such a commonly used tool, because there isn’t really anything interesting to say about it – it…

Editorial Illustration Ideas And Concepts

Sam Chivers – Overview Of 5G The composition of this one really interests me because it can be seen in a few different ways.The first (and I think most obvious way it can be seen) is the 5G is like a stairway or a gateway, allowing us a better view of the world. However, there…